Welcome to The Principia Marketplace

The student-run Principia College magazine and its recently revived principiapilot.org website serve the whole Principia community – students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends and family. You can support the Pilot work through purchase of subscriptions and advertising as staff-members tackle everything from campus, local, and global issues while practicing reporting, writing, photographic, design, and marketing skills. 

A subscription: For eight issues (starting with your subscription date) is $100 – which pays printing costs and supports such other needs as student travel to report stories, office supplies and ... food for long production nights

Ad Information: You can purchase a full-page ad for $30, or a half-page ad for $20. The Pilot staff would be happy to design your ad or if you'd like to provide your own, please e-mail your InDesign file to us.

Questions?  E-mail us at principia.pilot@gmail.com.

Principia Pilot
